Interview Series: Rider Support's Chris Naegele

Interview Series: Rider Support's Chris Naegele

For most of us these days our idea of a customer service “agent” is some soulless, faceless, omniscient computer whose modus operandi isn’t necessarily aligned with the best outcomes for its customer, but more explicitly on the bottom line of the corporate entity deploying it. It’s dystopian thinking for sure, but maybe not far from reality? Regardless, here at Reserve, whether you contact us to register your newly purchased wheelset or to seek some insider advice, you are communicating with a rider like you, someone who understands you at a level beyond ChatGPT. 

As it turns out, our largely unheralded Rider Support team is composed of very cool people and worthy of more recognition than they’ve been given historically. We’re going to take some time over the course of the next few months to meet the group of real human people that seamlessly and graciously bridge the gulf between you, the bike loving public, and us, a bunch of weird, bike-loving bike nerds. We'll kick the series off with Chris Naegele who helms the team. Chris took some time out of his day answering your questions to answer some of ours about his life on and off the clock. 

Q: Tell us about yourself, where were you born?

A: Mountain View, CA.

Q: Tell us something cool about your hometown.

A: I mostly grew up in San Jose, CA…home to one of the tree Japantowns in the US (and it’s amazing).

Q: Do you have a nickname? If yes, how’d you get it? If not, make one up that suits your character.

A: Cal. I accidentally wore a Cal (Berkeley) jersey to my second rugby practice at Humboldt State University and never lived it down.

Q: What brought you to the bike industry?

A: Breaking my back in a bike crash. Afterwards I realized I needed a job with health insurance and the guy living on my couch worked at GoPro. I’ve largely been in the bike/outdoor industry since.

Q: Garage check: what bike are you riding, what wheels, who built them?

A: Chameleon with my kids, otherwise a Blur or Hightower. My Hightower wheels are my favorite: 30|SL up front and 30|HD in the rear, built by Nick E. by hand and absolutely bomber.

Q: What kind of riding do you typically do? Mountain, Gravel or Road?

A: Daily bike commute aside, definitely mountain. I’m shifting from enduro to XC racing as I get older.

Q: What is your favorite trail or favorite place to ride?

A: Hard to pick, but I’m going with the trails 3 minutes from my door at Delaveaga Park in Santa Cruz. Any trails I can hit while my kids nap will be close to my heart.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about working for Rider Support?

A: Speaking with customers for sure. I’m not extroverted in my personal life, but being in a role that puts me in contact with so many other like-minded bike people is amazing.

Q: Tell us something about working in Rider Support most people wouldn’t know.

A: We aren’t bots. I swear…everyone seems to think we’re either bots, AI, working in a call center, or some combination of the three.

Q: Any cool stories from working in Rider Support you’d like to share?

A: Going back to the GoPro days, I randomly started messaging with this guy named Ron Goldstone. He had just dropped “Jackson Run Bike To Kindergarten” on Vimeo and wanted to see if he could get a camera. We ended up meeting at Crankworx that year and…well…you know the rest.

Q: Do you use a headset, hold the phone in your hand, or rest it on your shoulder when you’re on the phone with a customer?

A: Seeing as how I’m just a bot, it’s all telekinesis.

Q: What’s your go-to email signature? Are you a “Sincerely”, “Hugs and Kisses” or “Respectfully Yours” kind of person?

A: “Many Thanks”.

Q: What occupies your time when you’re not helping riders and shops get the most out of their Reserves?

A: Raising our family and trying to be a half-decent husband. Luckily we live in Santa Cruz, so that involves plenty of surfing, biking, camping, and other tomfoolery.

Rapid Fire Questions

Q: Beer, wine, cocktail or seltzer?

A: I’ve gone the way of the millennial dad: water life :(

Q: SRAM or Shimano?


Q: Carbon or Aluminum Reserves?

A: Carbon - Look pro, go slow

Q: Coffee, Tea or Red Bull?

A: Again, millennial dad. Give me more coffee

Q: Almond, Oat or Cow milk?

A: Oat, but only so I can eat more (real) cheese

Q: Linoleum or Carpet?

A: Carpet

Q: Thick or thin grips?

A: Thick

Q: RockShox or Fox?

A: Fox - support your local businesses

Q: Seinfeld, Friends or Rick & Morty?

A: I’ve never seen any of them

Q: I9 or DT Swiss?


Q: Puppies or kittens?

A: Puppies

Q: Describe your perfect day.

A: Dawn patrol surf session, mid-morning ride with my daughter, mid-afternoon kart session with my son, and a dinner with my wife while the kids are at grandma’s

Q: What is your special power?

A: Being mediocre at far too many hobbies

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