Our Promise To You

Von den Ingenieuren über die Laufradmechanikern bis zu den Rider Support-Mitarbeitern - Das Team von RESERVE steht hinter den Laufrädern, die wir herstellen. Egal, ob du die legendäre Downhillstrecke in Fort William hinunterfliegst, beim Mission Crit die Kurven schneidest oder auf dem Queen Ka'ahumanu Highway alles stehen und liegen lässt - wenn dir ein Laufrad kaputt geht, schicken wir dir ein neues, damit du weiterfahren kannst. Wenn du mit deinem Auto drüberfährst, besorgen wir dir so schnell wie möglich einen kostengünstigen Ersatz. Wir wissen, wie nervig es ist, eine Ausfahrt zu verpassen. Ein Rennen zu versäumen, kann gar bedeuten, dass monatelange Vorbereitungen umsonst waren, also tun wir alles, damit das nicht wegen eines unserer Laufräder passiert.


Reserve repariert oder ersetzt nach eigenem Ermessen jede Reserve-Felge oder jedes Fillmore-Ventil von Reserve Wheels, die durch das Fahren beschädigt oder zerstört wurden. Die Garantie gilt für die gesamte Lebensdauer der Felge oder des Ventils und ist nur für den Erstbesitzer gültig. Gehe auf unsere Garantie-Seite, um einen Anspruch geltend zu machen.

Crash Replacement

So etwas passiert. Du bist über ein Laufrad gestolpert, hast vergessen, die Achse deines Dachgepäckträgers festzuschrauben oder bist in eine Massenkarambolage beim Ortsschildsprint geraten? Wir helfen dir mit einer kostengünstigen Ersatzfelge, damit du schnell wieder aufs Rad kommst. Wende dich einfach an den Rider Support und wir melden uns bei dir.

The sole remedy available under the foregoing express warranty and all implied warranties is the repair or replacement of defective parts with those of equal or greater value, as determined by Reserve Wheels in its sole discretion. The warranty does not cover labor costs, custom finishes, normal wear and tear, or damage from commercial use. The warranty is void if the part is modified from its original condition in any manner or used outside normal intended use, as determined by Reserve Wheels in its sole discretion. The warranty for damage arising from accidents, crashes and other impacts is limited to offered replacement at a reduced charge as set forth above. Any implied warranties (including without limitation the warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose) which may not be disclaimed under applicable law are limited in duration to the period set forth above or the applicable statute of limitations, whichever is shorter.

The foregoing warranty is the sole and exclusive warranty offered by Reserve Wheels. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, all other express and implied warranties (including without limitation the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose) are hereby disclaimed. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Santa Cruz bicycles or any of its owners, officers, employees, representatives, agents, or affiliates (or any of their respective successors or assigns) be responsible or otherwise liable for any direct, incidental or consequential damages arising from the purchase, use, or ownership of its products, including without limitation damages for personal injury, property damage, or economic losses, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, product liability, or any other theory.

Some states and countries do not allow some or all of the foregoing exclusions or limitations, so they may not apply to you. If any portion of the foregoing warranty (or the exclusions or limitations thereto) is deemed invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law, it shall be deemed modified so as to be valid and enforceable to the maximum extent consistent with such law. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state and country to country.

Only wheelsets with the ebike specific designation in the product description are compatible for use on ebikes.

For all Reserve wheels, the lifetime warranty is for the original owner. Situations not covered under warranty will be offered a rim at a reduced cost from retail pricing.

Aluminum wheel support details:

  • Dented rim, no paint chipping, holding air: crash replacement
  • Dented rim, paint chipping, holding or not holding air: warranty
  • Dented rim, not holding air: warranty
  • Seam separation: warranty
  • Crack at spoke hole: warranty

Tech Docs

Have you been searching for detailed specifications for Reserve mountain and road wheels? Well, you’ve come to the right spot. We now have all of the technical information for all current and archived wheel consolidated into a few handy documents.

Road Wheel Spoke Lengths

Road wheel building specifications including spoke lengths, nipple spec and other technical information.

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Mountain Wheel Spoke Lengths

Mountain bike Wheel building specifications including spoke lengths, nipple spec and other technical information

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Reserve Wheels Tech Info

Information related to use classifications, max tire pressures, ERD, and spoke counts.

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