Anna Henderson
Anna Henderson a commencé sa carrière sportive sur des skis, la même année où elle a remporté un championnat junior de slalom à l'âge de 15 ans et où elle s'est cassé la jambe dans un accident de ski. Pour se rétablir, Anna Henderson s'est mise au cyclisme, qu'elle a tellement aimé qu'elle s'est inscrite à une course locale. Une nouvelle passion est née et un nouveau talent a été découvert : Henderson est devenue championne britannique du contre-la-montre U23 en 2019 et a pris la troisième place avec l'équipe britannique dans le relais par équipe mixte lors des Championnats du monde dans le Yorkshire. En 2023, Henderson a terminé deuxième au classement général du Simac Ladies Tour et a également pris la deuxième place au Championnat d'Europe dans l'ITT. Sa plus grande victoire à ce jour est une médaille d'argent dans le contre-la-montre individuel aux Jeux olympiques de 2024.

Jonas Vingegaard
The young Danish cyclist emerged from the shadows of the competition to win the 2022 Tour de France in a fashion stunning other racers and spectators alike. After some much deserved downtime, the quiet Dane is set to establish himself as a GC contender for years to come. In 2023, he won the Tour de France again and established himself as a favorite in 2024, where he finished second overall.

Sepp Kuss
The most popular rider in the Pro Peleton, American Sepp Kuss has been known as a team super domestique, guiding the top riders to the top of the podium with his exceptional climbing skills. He did it for Primoz Roglic at the Giro d'Italia and for Jonas Vingegaard at the Tour de France. But in 2023, he also stepped out of the shadows to win his first Grand Tour by claiming the top step at the Vuelta a Espana.

Fem van Empel
Fem Van Empel started cycling and cyclocross at the age of eight. Ten years later, she became the U23 World Cyclocross Champion and in 2023 became the senior Women's World Cyclocross Champion The Dutch talent made a name for herself with victories in the World Cup of Val di Sole 2021 and Flamanville 2022. The European cyclocross champion of 2022, Van Empel has been riding for Team Visma | Lease a Bike since January 1 and will race on the road for the 2023 season.

Wout Van Aert
What can you say about Wout van Aert? UCI cyclocross World Champion? Yep. Multiple times? Oh yeah. Man for the Classics? Of course. Green jersey winner in the Tour de France? Sure. Super domestique and climber? Why not? Bronze medal at the 2024 Olympic Games in ITT? Absolutely. Is there anything Wout can’t do? We wouldn’t count him out. Oh, and he’s got great hair, too.

Marianne Vos
As one of the most decorated riders in the history of women's cycling, Marianne stormed onto the world stage in her first senior year and immediately began racking up World Cup and World Championship titles in cyclocross and road racing, and an Olympic Gold Medal in the Points Race. Regardless of the cycling discipline, Marianne is a legitimate contender for the crown. She secured a silver medal at the 2024 Olympic road race.